高菜の炊いたん – 高菜の葉のレシピ




  1. 高菜は、塩を入れたお湯でさっと茹でて、ザルにあげます。
  2. 豚肉と高菜を適度な大きさに切ります。
  3. 豚肉と高菜を鍋に入れ、具がひたひたぐらいの水に、本だし、みりん、醤油で味をつけて豚肉と高菜を煮れば出来上がり!芯が柔らかくなったら食べごろです。



Mustard greens season starts around November.
The leaf is so big and fresh but also thorny.

The mustard green’s flavor is a little strong so we make pickles with them.

This time I will introduce a delicious mustard green recipe “Takana no Taitan”. This name is so cute!

1, Put mustard greens in boiling water about 1 min and then strain.

2,Cut leaves and raw pork to a moderate size.

3,Put greens and pork in the pot with equal amount water, broth, sweet rice wine, soy sauce bring to a boil. When the stem becomes soft, you can eat!

Sometime we use taro and chicken instead. This is a very popular dish in the country side.

You can re-boil this dish and eat it many days in a row!

「高菜の炊いたん – 高菜の葉のレシピ」への2件のフィードバック


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